Classic Mario 2 is a challenging platform game that has 80 levels and 4 worlds. The story begins wit...
Classic Mario 2 is a challenging platform game that has 80 levels and 4 worlds. The story begins with this. The jungle is in chaos. The mario just could not stand the chaos anymore. He has lost all his coins or golds overnight. The jungle is in imbalance and he needs to pursue his adventures so that the jungle can return into peaceful conditions.
There are plenty of traps in the jungle and you need to help him escape from the dark or dangerous zones. You will need to fight with those beasts or creatures to survive. At the end of each level you will see a castle and that means you already overcome the challenges for that level. Throughout the jungle adventures journey you will need to run as fast as you can by tapping the shoot button of the controller keys. You can also jump over the obstacles by tapping the up arrow of the controller keys.
Note that there are also many hidden objects or blocks on each level. You will need to explore yourself as to find where are the hidden objects. There are also hungry monsters try to eat you and prevent you to reach the castle. Protect the mario island so that it become peaceful. It is your responsibility to solve every puzzle of each level.
You can also shoot all your enemies by tapping the shoot button of the controller keys provided that you get the gun when you crush the blocks. Sometimes it is not good to run fast and walking is the best solution. The monsters act like zombies and they want to make the mario die. There are plenty of them in each level.
There are also under water animals in some levels including crabs and fishes and you will need to swim and remember to avoid those fishes. Get as many mushrooms when you crush the blocks in each level so that when you accidentally hits those monsters you still survive. There are also funny bugs that appear in some levels and they act like tarzan and you will need to avoid them.
How to hunt those creatures and let them die? Just jump over their head and you have success hunting. This is the skill that you will need in order to become a professional hunter.
There are blocks which have jewel inside. It is totally based on luck when you want to find those jewels. Just crush as many blocks to find them out.
Finish this game until the end and you will become the legend of the jungle. You should take the revenge and get back all your coins or golds. To survive in this jungle you will have to explore to many adventures and this is what the mario life is. This jungle trekking journey is not easy and you will train your jump or run skills for survival.
Features of Classic Mario 2 are:
+ Additive platformer and side-scrolling game. + This game has 80 well-designed game-play levels.+ Four different adventures worlds. + Excellent in-game graphics.+ Good game physics.+ Melodious game sounds and effects. + Unlimited lives for the mario. + Hard levels such as boss levels in each world.
Just download this mario mobile game into your Android device! Play Classic Mario 2 now!